Operations on the Transaction from the Details Page

De la PlatiOnline
Versiunea din 23 februarie 2013 19:49, autor: Plati Online (Discuție | contribuții)
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A. Operations on a transaction in the Authorized Financial Status 1

  • Void
  • Settle
  • Ship
  • Add new message

Operations on the payment page.jpg

To Void an authorized transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Transactions section;
  2. Identify the transaction;
  3. Press the order number to open the transaction details page;
  4. Press the Void transaction button;
  5. Confirm the action;
    • The transaction will switch to the Pending Void financial status until this action will be approved by Plationline;
    • In a few days the amount will be unblocked and released back to the customer’s card.

To Settle an authorized transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Transactions section;
  2. Identify the transaction;
  3. Press the order number to open the transaction details page;
  4. Press the Settle transaction button;
  5. Confirm the action;
    • The transaction will switch to the Pending Settle financial status until the action will be approved by Plationline and confirmed that the funds have been transferred to the merchant’s account;
    • It takes 1-7 business days for the funds to transfer.

To Add a message and send it to PlatiOnline:

  1. Go to Transactions section;
  2. Identify the transaction;
  3. Press the order number to open the transaction details page;
  4. Press the Add new message button;
  5. Type the message;
  6. Click Send;
    • In this way the message concering a particular transaction can be sent to PlatiOnline.

B. Operations on a transaction in the Settled Financial Status 1:

Credit (Refund). To credit (refund) a settled transaction, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to Transactions section;
  2. Identify the transaction;
  3. Press the order number to open the transaction details page;
  4. Insert the amount to be credited in the Amount To Be Credited box (use point as decimal separator, 2 decimals);
    • You can credit an equal or lesser amount than the original transaction amount;
  5. Press the Credit Transaction button;
  6. Confirm the action (Go – button);
    • The transaction will switch to the Pending Credit financial status 2, until this action will be

approved by Plationline;

    • A refund takes 1-7 business days to reach the customer’s card account.

Credit trans.jpg

A credit/refund operation can be initiated no later than 75 days since the authorization date. Only one (1) credit/refund operation is permitted per transaction.

For more information regarding the transaction statuses, please refer to the section Status Categories for a Transaction[[1]].